[label type=”label” style=”info” title=”SPONSORSHIP”]
Organizations are invited to sponsor the conference. The contribution made will be prominently acknowledged in all promotional and other conference material. The payment is to be made in favour of “Global Institute of Flexible Systems Management” payable at New Delhi.
Chief Sponsor: Rs 2,00,000/-
- Representation in Steering Committee
- One speaker in Plenary session/one chairperson for a technical session
- Four complementary delegates
- Company logo on conference promotional material
- Provision of a time slot for the presentation/demo of the products/services/innovations of the organization leading to new business models.
Sponsor: Rs 1,00,000/-
- Representation on Steering Committee/one chairperson for a technical session
- Two complementary delegates
- Company logo on conference promotional material
Co-sponsor: Rs 50,000/-
- Representation on Steering Committee
- One complementary delegate
- Company logo on conference promotional material
[label type=”label” style=”info” title=”SOUVENIR (Containing Programmes and Abstracts)”]
A souvenir will be published at the time of the conference and shall be provided to all delegates and sponsors. It will include various messages, conference programme, list of delegates, abstracts of papers to be presented, and other relevant information. Advertising in the souvenir will give wide coverage to the advertisers. The advertisement tariff is as given below. Payment is to be made in favour of “Global Institute of Flexible Systems Management” payable at New Delhi.
- Back cover (Colour) Rs 30,000/-
- Full page Rs 20,000/-
- Half page Rs 10,000/-
For Complete Details visit here