Glogift 13 – Submission

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Papers should be thought provoking and based on current research. The titles should be brief. Although there is no word limit, concise papers are encouraged. Papers can be accepted for presentation based on the extended abstracts. Publication in Proceedings is subject to a strict set of standards of review and deadlines.

Accepted papers will be published in the Proceedings of the conference on CD and a selection of these papers will be considered for publication in Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management.

All submissions to be made through e-mail at:  or through our site

For details, see Global Institute of Flexible Systems Management ( ,

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If you wish to conduct a symposium, tutorial or workshop, submit a summary of at least two pages on what you propose to do in your session and why it is of interest and importance to the participants. All participants must register and attend the meeting.

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Anyone interested in participating in the program by serving as a reviewer, session chair, or discussant, should contact the Conference Chairs.

For Complete Details visit here

2 responses to “Glogift 13 – Submission”

  1. Supriya kummamuru

    I have made an online payment for the conference and have yet to recive the acknowledgement, also I would like to know the Program Schedule for 2013 conference.

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